Registration Information CPNS 2014

In the previous information has been often raised regarding registration information employess are planned to be opened in late July 2014. For those of you who are interested to participate in the test, you are expected to continue to monitor any developments regarding the information that is associated with the announcement. As you already know, you can do online registration is conducted simultaneously throughout Indonesia immediately.

When employess registration information has been officially opened, the thing you should do is to immediately register. Previously, you also have to complete all administrative requirements of the files that are needed in terms of registration. If you do not procrastinate to register, you will lose because at the same time the system on site to do online registration will often an error or difficult to access.

About employess registration information both online and offline, you can continue to monitor the development of the news on the official web minister or often see posted on the bulletin board in the area BKPP the test venue. Indeed, in every region of the others do not perform simultaneous recruitment announcements, but the selection test will be conducted simultaneously. Although the use of the system for the CAT test employess will not be completed within one day. This will open up opportunities for candidates to take the test the selection test in more than one area.

Other terms relating to registration CPNS 2014 the intense competition among participants. It can be seen from the quota that will be opened in each formation. Well, to anticipate this in order to face the competition, it is necessary to prepare a special trick that will result to maximum as you would expect. Continue to monitor the registration information for any formation you want.

In the previous information has been often raised regarding registration information emplo Registration Information CPNS 2014

It is not denied, recruitment information employess still be the favorite for job seekers. So many devotees make the prospective test participants experienced difficulties when registering to be able to follow the test. For those of you who find it difficult to perform the registration, then this article is to provide information to those who want to get information related to online registration for example at Kemenhunkam.

Information on civil servant recruitment in accordance with the revised annex Kemenkumham Circular of the State Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform SE/10/M.PAN-RB number stating that the determination of the schedule of registration CPNS in each Ministry / Agency conducted in March. For you who want to know the registration information online at CPNS Kemenhumkam acceptance tests, there are steps that you must follow. The steps are as follows.

  1. Visit the official site where online registration CPNS Kemenkumham 2014
  2. Once you visit the official website, you can provide the data on the form provided.
  3. Before performing the first step on the first point, you should ask first.

If all the steps and the registration process you have done and for the way it is registered, then the outcome of the process you have done you can print immediately and you combine it with other files into a requirement to register employess Kemenkumham 2014 from each region where you register. Pack all the files in one envelope then you send by post to the designated agencies including print out of the registration process you have done via online today. Try to send these files by using parcel post special delivery in order to reach the destination before the closing time of registration.

If everything is running smoothly and complete, then you just do the preparation for the test to be performed employess Kemenkumham. This preparation is done to be able to provide a target for you and arrange a time so that preparation you can do work well and as expected. The most important thing to keep in mind when testing, in addition to applying online also passing grade or threshold values ​​that you need to accomplish when following these tests. There are three categories for types of basic competence. Information relating to the acceptance of employess Kemenkumham, tests can be divided into several categories. The test categories are:
a. Test the concept of nationalism
b. General intelligence tests
c. Tests personal characteristics

Each of these categories has a different passing grade. All three have a passing grade in sequence such as 70, 75, 105 for a passing grade in force in the year 2013 yesterday. In 2014 the passing grade is likely to be a greater force and increased.

Besides employess Kemenkumham, in 2014 the other ministries will also open the employess acceptance MORA. Through its official decision issued by Kemenpan and RB 2014 regarding the approval of the principle of allocation of additional formation CPNS 2014 special Ministry of Religious Affairs.

To take the test CPNS MORA requirements are basically the same with the other ministries. Such as register online at the official web MORA so you get the number to be able to follow the test. To test participants age 35 years in a maximum MORA and age of participants was 18 years at least and other requirements that have been imprinted on the receipt of the news on the official website in March last.

Then how opportunities vacancy CPNS 2014 MORA? To be able to know the opportunities that can be seen at the reception last year, amounting to 396 vacancies in recruitment for MORA. Whereas in 2014, the information is not yet complete and detailed information related to CPNS MORA 2014. You do not have to worry. All forms of information will continue to be updated in this article relates MORA information CPNS 2014 or in other ministries simultaneously.

Compared to last year, this CPNS chances would be much greater. This is because the amount of several agencies in the results announcement does not meet the quota for some reason. These reasons include the existence of participants who qualify in the two regions, it is certainly very contradictory because the rules of the participants had to resign in one area and choose other areas. The latest mention that for CPNS 2014 will open as many as 100 thousand seats will be contested in a common pathway. Implementation time around June and July 2014.

For those of you who are interested to try his luck, you can quickly dig up information regarding admission of civil servants. You can immediately see on the official website that opens recruitment agencies or look directly on the bulletin board in BKPP. Be sure to continue to keep updated so as not to miss the information and can immediately sign up.

So a bit of articles that can be submitted regarding admission information CPNS 2014. To update other information will be updated when new information has been received regarding registration, vacancies, as well as other announcements that will be implemented in mid-2014. Hopefully this article provides enough information for those who want to register and hope received on testnya later.


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