Articles About Teachers Honorary

When you try to parse the meaning of part time teachers, then we would peel beforehand what the meaning of honor. Here we will be invited to play the words are not just playing around, but the aforementioned was trying to peel the meaning of the word honor. Okay, let's deepen the meaning. In an online dictionary which is a feature of Google, Google Translate, said salaries were translated into Indonesian interpreted as honor, respect, dignity, honor, good name, and all things that are good. That's according to Google Translate, while the other version if we take this instance it means be obtained as honorarium or menghonori, provide honorarium. Then it can be seen verbally express the word is a different word, but if it is felt will implicitly know there are similarities. Google Translate has interpreted the word honor is a gift that shows appreciation to someone, but not specific to the provision of material, while the Indonesian online dictionary that the award refers to materials such as money or other items.

Of meaning obtained, then we will try to apply it on the teacher said, which will result in teacher salaries phrase or part time teachers. In terms of understanding, honorary teacher is a teacher who is not a state school. In doing the work, they get an honorarium in return for his service to the state in educational institutions. You could say they are a freelance teachers, who do not have the clarity of the fate of their future. Unlike civil servants besides teacher gets salary plus other allowances.

Then, how the actual fees received by them the honorary teachers? Varying the amount of fees received by them every month. And most distressing, sometimes they are paid far away from the prevailing minimum wage in the area where they work. They are more or less the same as outsourced workers which is also used in other enterprises or institutions. The government has also pledged to lift them, the part time teachers with a requirement to meet the requirements and qualifications issued by the government. When you look at the translation or the meaning has been expressed over previously had, then they should honor that can at least get to use his eligibility. Comes a sense of concern, if only they were only used as an input to the needs of statistical data on the unemployment rate has been reduced. This is done for the sake of a jargon of government that has managed to reduce unemployment. When fears are true, then there has been a kesemena-menaan of government as well as an insult to the world of government education glorious. Hopefully it's one concern that they get the appropriate eligibility for his service life for the sake of national life.

When you try to parse the meaning of part time teachers Articles About Teachers Honorary

Indeed, the education system in our country is not completely perfect. And it takes a strong awareness of the stakeholders to the management concept of sincerity reorganize education is arguably chaotic. One of the strengths to be able to restructure our educational system is a world away from the frenetic world of education politics. Governments must be able and daring to give autonomy to the educational world. And this is going to be a chore for the new government was sworn in immediately. For the problem of improving education and educational studies that have been handed over to let the experts in the field of education and education management.

Rightly, that education must be free of political climate is getting warmer. Due to be received if the education is still struggling with the increasingly conducive political atmosphere like this, then it will progress in the education world will never progress and develop. Like the sage advice that "if a case is not handed over to the experts, then the wait will be its demise". And if our education destroyed, automatically this great nation will live to follow equally destroyed.

In the era of globalization is increasingly heavy, the more important the role of a teacher and is urgent. A student may be qualified student would not be separated from the role of a teacher. A student can become competent human resources, quality, and earning a national asset. They are the most important asset for a country facing increasingly fierce competition in the era of globalization.


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