About Mount Gede Pangrango

Located on the island of Java, Indonesia, Gunung Gede Pangrango is a national park which is one of five national parks was first announced in 1980. Location of this mountain in the three districts, namely District Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi. This mountain has a height of 1000-3000 m above sea level. For geographical location, Mount Gede Pangrangi is at latitude 106 ° 51 '- 107 ° 02' E and 64 ° 1 '- 65 ° 1 LS. In the mountain region, the temperature reached on average when we were on top of the mountain Gede about 18 ° C and at night the temperatures were in the peak range from 5 ° C. Rainfall in the mountains, on average 3,600 mm / year. If you would like to visit this mountain, you can go to the main gate which connects you to the mountain is from Cibodas and Cipanas.

Natural conditions on Mount Gede Pangrango surrounding mountains covered by forests. The forests include submontana zones, montana, up to subalpin around the peak. Forest contained in these mountains is one of the richest flora in Indonesia, Malaysia and even in the region. In addition to the natural conditions of the above, here also will find unique natural scenery and unique. So that makes an attraction to the tourists enjoyed. The specificity of these is the presence of an attractive natural laboratory researchers to conduct a study in this mountain region.

The few studies that have been done in the area of ​​Mount Gede Pangrango include:

  1. In 1819 made ​​the first ascent of this mountain by CGC Reindwart
  2. Then followed by Junghuhn FW (1839 - 1861)
  3. J.E. Teijsmann (1839), A.R. Wallace (1861), S.H. Koorders (1890), Treub M. (1891), W.M. Docters van Leeuwen (1911)
  4. Later studies have also been carried out to create a collection of plants as a reference in the preparation of the book The mountai Flora of Java in 1972 by CGGJ van Steenis.
  5. This area is very rich in diversity of ecosystems. Diversity is presented in the area of ​​Mount Gede, including forests submontana sprawling, montane forest expanse, subalpin, but it also contained ecosystem of lakes, swamps, and savannah.

For fauna has been doing well, here presented 251 species of birds and some of which are endangered species such as the Javan Hawk-eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi) and bird Plop Java (Otus angelinae). To 251 species of birds are part of the 450 species of birds from the island of Java. The National Park area has been designated by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve since 1977. Pangrango Gede National Park of Mount Gede in which there is indeed a potential Pangrango tours for West Java. This tourist area is very attractive to visit. Many tourists both domestic and foreign interested to visit.

 Gunung Gede Pangrango is a national park which is one of five national parks was first an About Mount Gede Pangrango

1. Blue Lake.

Is a small lake with an area of ​​five acres and is located at an altitude of 1,575 meters above sea level. It was located 1.5 miles from the entrance Cibodas. The lake is said to be the Blue Lake because it always looks blue when exposed to sunlight, and also because it is covered by blue algae.

2. Waterfall Cibeureum

This waterfall has a height of about 50 meters. It was located about 2.8 km from Cibodas. In the vicinity of the waterfall you can see the kind of red algae are endemic in West Java. 3. Hot Water

Located around 5.3 km from Cibodas or for about 2 hours when you are traveling from Cibodas

4. Cage Stone cage and Rhino

This place is very fitting when used for camping activities and observation of plants / animals. Located at an altitude of 2,220 m. above sea level with a distance of 7.8 km or 3.5 hours drive from Cibodas.

5. Peak and crater of Mount Gede

Panorama of interest when you visit in the region such as the sunset / sunrise. From the top you can see the expanse of the city of Cianjur-Sukabumi-Bogor clearly visible, in addition to the various geological attractions are very interesting for observation of the typical plants found around the crater. At the summit of Mount Gede Pangrangi all of which there are three craters are still active in the complex. The craters were each given a designation crater Lanang, Queen and Wadon. The location is at an altitude of 2,958 m. asl a distance of 9.7 km or 5 hour drive from Cibodas.

6. The square Suryakencana

This square has an area of ​​approximately 50 hectares covered edelweiss flower beds. Located at an altitude of 2,750 m. above sea level with a distance of 11.8 km or 6 hours drive from Cibodas.

It is not enough just to visit and admire its beauty, you also need to know the myths that developed about the region. This myth actually is a thriving community trust word of mouth from generation to generation. Narrated in the past is exactly a nobleman, ie grandparent Suryakancana. He is the son of Dalem Cikundul or Rd. Tanu Wira Aria I, the founder and regent of Cianjur Cianjur First, the result of his marriage to Princess Jin. By the local community strongly believe that a grandparent Suryakencana also included in the jinn, and are still living around Mount Gede. He is now the ruler of the jinn and resides in the mountains. At certain times, a lot of people especially the followers of religion of Sunda Wiwitan go into caves around Mount Gede to perform a ritual.

When you visit Mount Gede Pangrango this, if you are traveling through and then past the Bogor and Jakarta Cibodas onwards, your time takes about 2.5 hours. The distance is approximately 100 miles by car. When from Bandung takes about 2 hours to route Bandung - Cipanas - Cibodas. And if any of Bogor same travel time 2 hours with the Bogor - Salabintana.

As a National Park, Mount Gede Pangrango very important role in the history of conversion in Indonesia. Since the government set in 1980, the area which covers 22851.03 acres of very rich diversity of tropical rain forests. There are many types of flora in it, for example, a tree is a tree Rasamala giant insect killer or commonly called the pitcher. All kinds of orchids are also contained in it. And some types of rare flora to investigate its kind, such as mushrooms that glow. In addition to a variety of flora, here also found some habitats of all wildlife species, which include giant ladybugs, mammals which number more than 100 pieces, and 250 species of birds. All of them put together in a national park area in which there is also Mount Gede Pangrango.

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